Saturday, April 2, 2011

BMI for Athletes

The Body Mass Index or BMI is a very basic body measure which can be misleading for Athletes. The BMI is based on height and weight and applies to both adult men and women. However it does not account for muscle mass and can give questionable results in athletes and sports people.

Here is a selection of Gold medal Athletes from the Athens 2004 Olympics who would be categorised as overweight based on the BMI calculation. One particularly amusing statistic shows all members in the famous GB coxless four would be considered overweight using this scale. This highlights the problems with using a simplistic measure, such as the BMI, for athletes. As an alternative, use our list of body fat calculators based on anatomical measures and skinfold values.

Overweight Gold Medal Olympian Athletes according to the Body Mass Index (BMI)

Shawn Crawford (USA) Sprinting (200m)
(Overweight: 177cm, 81kg, athlete BMI=26)

Mark Lewis-Francis (GB) Sprinting (100m Relay)
(Overweight: 183cm, 89kg, athlete BMI=26)

Matthew Pinsent (GB) Rowing (Coxless four)
(Overweight: 196cm, 108kg, athlete BMI=28)

James Cracknell (GB) Rowing (Coxless four)
(Overweight: 192cm, 100kg, athlete BMI=27)

Ed Coode (GB) Rowing (Coxless four)
(Overweight: 193cm, 96kg, athlete BMI=26)

Steve Williams (GB) Rowing (Coxless four)
(Overweight: 189cm, 96kg, athlete BMI=27)

David Cal (Spain) Canoeing (C-1 1000m)
(Overweight: 183cm, 91kg, athlete BMI=27)

Khadjimourat Gatsalov (Russia) Wrestling (84-96kg)
(Overweight: 180cm, 96kg, athlete BMI=30)

Artur Taymazov (Uzebekistan) Wrestling (96-120kg)
(Obese: 189cm, 112kg, athlete BMI=31)

Roman Sebrle (Czechoslovakia) Decathlon
(Overweight: 186cm, 88kg, athlete BMI=25)

Ryan Bayley (Austria) Cycling (Sprint)
(Overweight: 181cm, 84kg, athlete BMI=26)

Odlanier Solis Fonte (Cuba) Boxing (81-91kg)
(Overweight: 180cm, 91kg, athlete BMI=28)

Alexander Povetkin (Russia) Boxing (over 91kg)
(Overweight: 188cm, 91kg, athlete BMI=26)

Ihar Makarau (Belarus) Judo (90-100kg)
(Obese: 180cm, 100kg, athlete BMI=31)

Yuriy Bilonog (Ukraine) Shot put
(Obese: 200cm, 135kg, athlete BMI=34)

(Note: all heights and weights were taken from the official Athens 2004 web site)

For more information about the BMI, ideal weight and the relationship with body fat see the body mass index FAQ.

You can calculate here your BMI with out BMI calculator simply enter your weight and height. Please remember this is only a guide and as we have highlighted does not take into account body frame or large muscle volume for example in olympic gold medal athletes!

The BMI values correspond to the following BMI classification:
  • Underweight = <18.5
  • Normal weight = 18.5-24.9
  • Overweight = 25-29.9
  • Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater

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